
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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fen (mille)
dee/dem/der, they/them
march 9th
mossdeep city
office worker (cracker)
5' height
5' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
451 posts
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TAG WITH @fenelle
Fenelle Miller
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2024 11:56:53 GMT
Fenelle Miller Avatar
Fenelle's usually trying to pick someone from Rocket to fill in any acting needs, but right now, there was just no willing person which dee could absolutely not understand. However, dee has more luck with a questionably reputable app and an even weirder ad, which leads dee to the town of Oldale, close to but not directly Slateport City.

one day improv acting job, kinda larp but no elves. no experience required. pay's good 👍👍

Fenelle, in full civilian garb (but without der signature pokémon, they're resting in their pokéballs), is sitting on the terrace of a café and enjoying the most loaded and sugary parfait dee could spot on the menu. In true incognito fashion aligned with the current storyline playing in der head, there's a pair of sunglasses on der face as well a really unfitting wide-brimmed hat on der head. However, that's not even the actual identification noted down in the quick exchanges on the app - no, there's also a truly hideous and way too colourful bracelet wrapped around der wrist, which even dee thinks might be a bit too much.

While wearing a straw hat that could block out the sun if placed right, as well as sunglasses while also still donning der usual denim jacket-jeans look.

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december 1
mossdeep city
5'3" (160 cm) height
5'3" (160 cm) height
these celestial bodies are made of violent ends
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rainy huynh DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @rainy
rainy huynh
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2024 17:46:50 GMT
rainy huynh Avatar
in another life, he might've been an actor.

rainy hums, his voice elevated to a light titter and chirp of a sound. hips sway, and a fluffy cardigan sits low on his narrow shoulders. beachy, blonde waves sit inconspicuously on his shoulders as the elastic of a strap snaps in a minor adjustment. heels sit low to the ground as he lifts a hand to his mouth, sleeve pressed against the corner of his lips as he searches the crowd for a would-be employer, middling somewhere between curiosity and confusion, before he spies the few identifying features he'd been given in a flurry of messages: a god-awful chunky looking bracelet that belongs somewhere back in the 1990s.

if dee is trying to keep from standing out, the big sunglasses and wide-brimmed hat is not working.


it's like the way those kids dressed up in movies, trying to be as unnoticeable as they could be while they played detective. was that what this was? a one-day improv job with no clear specifications means that someone needed someone to play a part and do it convincingly at a visible enough place at a visible enough time. it wasn't that dee needed a meet-up—they needed: "hiiiiiiii!"

he waves with an elated smile, allowing his arms to fall back down to his sides as he almost skips his way over to the table. shadow is cast as he stands with his back to the sun, punctuating his greeting with a girlish giggle. not a fake girlfriend or boyfriend from the way that they were dressed. would've been given a backstory if it was something like that to fill in questions.

maybe just a body to warm a seat? could've been a friend. a co-worker? easy to contrive. that might've been easier than it would've been do go with something complicated like an arranged meet-up to exchange something. questions, questions—

he wouldn't have taken something that didn't at least seem interesting. hopefully dee would make it worth his while. time, and monetarily.

"aren't you just so cute today? heehee," hands press into his cheeks, the tip of his tongue peeking out to punctate the point. "you didn't have to dress up just to see mika!"

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played by


fen (mille)
dee/dem/der, they/them
march 9th
mossdeep city
office worker (cracker)
5' height
5' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
451 posts
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TAG WITH @fenelle
Fenelle Miller
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2024 20:29:46 GMT
Fenelle Miller Avatar
There is. No reaction. From Fenelle. At the sweetest "hiiiii". Only the shadow cast over Fenelle prompts a reaction, looking up from der sickly sweet parfait as dee thinks that's the person from the ad. And regarding the ad ... dee might have forgotten something.

(See, it all just feels very trivial once you're in cyber space and no one could hear you scream anyway.)

The sun in their back is hindering the lipreading efforts a bit, but dee squints and tries to guess what might have been said anyway. The words could be a compliment, if the body language is saying anything, and the way their eyes look over dem makes dee think it might be outfit-related ... and it matches the visemes Fenelle has observed as well. Dee signs a Thank you before thinking further on it, complete with a content smile at the successful dress-up disguise thing dee did.

(Some part of dem knows it's a terrible fit, but that's also kind of part of it all. Or somewhat.)

Dee gestures for the other to sit down, however, and then takes out der phone, gesturing at it and opening up the app where they made contact on.

Sorry, I forgot to tell - I'm deaf.
But that won't be a problem, probably.
I need someone to play somewhat of a friend/colleague/HMMM for me.



it's a long life full of long nights

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